Saturday, February 22, 2014

Early Morning Hike

  • ISAIAH 55:12 ……the mountains and hills will burst into song before you,  and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
For the first time since moving here to Arkansas, I was able to go on my first hike and explore the beautiful outdoors that surrounds Harding campus. I've had intentions of exploring all the nearby National parks in the area, but just haven't been able to find the time with my hectic schedule. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about going for a walk outside. For those of you unburdened by work and school, please go outside and enjoy it while you can! Life is to short to spend your weekends on the couch watching Netflix. As always, be blessed, and go outside! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Defining Moments

This is one video of a three part series from the Billy Graham Foundation. Incredibly powerful and moving! I strongly encourage you to watch it and let me know what you think! As always, be blessed.

My Favorite Scripture

"For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgement."
-2 Timothy 1:7

Over the course of Basic training, this verse proved to be a constant source of strength and encouragement. Whenever faced with a new challenge, which was very frequent, I would silently quote  this verse to myself. It was just such a great reminder that we weren't created to live a life of fear. Rather, we should live each day courageously. Basic training, along with a little help from Scripture, helped to instill this value into me. Without it, I have no idea how I would weather all the different challenges I'm facing in my life today. I hope this verse proves to be as great of an encouragement to you as it has been for me. Be blessed. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Build Your Kingdom Here

I first saw this music video during a Sunday service a couple of weeks ago. I just loved the background props, the energy, and the great music. The video just captured my attention. However, beyond the aesthetics, lays a message that our church and our nation needs to hear. I love my country, but I can't deny how much she's fallen from her Christian foundations, and that the path she's headed on will only lead to her destruction. The lyrics in this song perfectly describe what I pray would happen to our nation. Enjoy, and please share!

Radical Generosity

I'm not sure how everyone else feels about church, but I love going every Sunday. Personally, I wouldn't label myself as a deeply religious person, but there's something about going to a church that presents the Gospel as it's meant to be. Simple, enriching and wholesome. No theology. Whatsoever. Christian living was never meant to be complicated. Love others as you love yourself. Period. Anyways, this last Sunday, the sermon was brilliant. Worship is usually my favorite part of service, but every so often, I hear a message that just really stands out and outshines everything else. In his sermon, my pastor outlined three areas in a disciple's life that are needed to live abundantly, or with radical generosity as he called it. First, as disciples we must spend the TIME that we've been given wisely. Secondly, we must use the TALENT that has been bestowed upon us, and lastly, value the TREASURE that we've been blessed with.  As disciples, we're called to live abundantly. Humbly serving and always being thankful for the blessings bestowed upon us. If we really want to make an impact on this world and those around us, we first need to rearrange our lifestyles to match that Jesus would have us to live.    

Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Little about Me

As I'm sure you already know, my name is Seth Chavez. I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Since then, I've lived in Missouri and Illinois. Beautiful states in their own right, but I'm not really into the whole farm thing. I long for pine forests high up in the mountains. What I would give to see mountains again instead of cornfields. Anyways, as of now, I reside here in Arkansas, looking to finally complete my Bachelor's degree in Marketing at Harding University. After that, who knows? With 5 years left of my Reserve contract, and my college days behind me, the possibilities are endless.